Github Boost | PR Review helper

Simplify your GitHub code reviews!
Track reviewed files, manage your review progress, and enhance your productivity with intuitive features like auto-viewing files and collapsing all files with a single click.
Install the extension and pin it to browser toolbar.
Why I Created This?
  • In my previous organisation, reviewing PRs was challenging because I had to manually mark 30-40 static and auto-generated files as viewed.
  • These files inflated the number of line changes, making it hard to see the actual lines left to review.
  • To make my life easier, I wrote JS scripts to interact with the DOM in the browser console.
After sharing this solution with a friend who found it very useful, I decided to develop it into a Chrome extension to make code reviews easier for everyone.
  • Dim Viewed Files: Easily distinguish between reviewed and unreviewed files. dim files
  • Show Remaining Lines of Code: Keep track of how many lines of code are left to review remaining lines of code
  • Auto View Files: Automatically mark files as viewed based on customizable regex patterns for filenames or directories. regex pattern
  • Collapse/Uncollapse All Files: Quickly collapse or expand all files in the PR for better navigation.
Feature Request, Issue, and Contribution

If you have a feature request, find an issue, or want to contribute to the project, please head over to our GitHub repository. You can open an issue to report bugs or suggest new features, and feel free to submit pull requests. Thanks!